Painting warhammer has been a great hobby of mine for the past years. When I was around 12 I remember my friend showing me this new game he got where he had to build all the miniatures, paint them and then you played with them. I remember how cool I thought it was that the characters had to carry a specific equipment in order for them to be able to use it and everything. This was warhammer.

I want to update my progress here, keep it for future reference and see my (hopefully) improvements and share the world this wonderful thing. I want to also share games with friends, and add some lore fluff to the games. I think that would be nice.


A while back did a friend of mine and me deciede to start playing warhammer together. This was a big thing for me, as I have grown up mostly alone in my collecting and painting of miniatures, finding it difficult to find other people who share the same passion who wants to play this game with me. Wow this sounds very sad, but I assure you it is not as sad as this sounds. But you can tell that now when someone wants to play this I got real excited.

I decided to start collecting the Soulblight Gravelords for this occasion - they are basically vampires. I just thought their aesthetic looked nice, skeletons are fun to paint and their army has a zombie dragon available to them. As you see, there was no other option here. I think this pictore does good at showing the gothic feeling that is all autumny and cozy


This is kind of the feeling I want to get to painting my vampires. The vampires should wear shiny, red armor and the skeletons are rusty and bony.

Down to paint

Let’s get to painting 🗿.

The starting layers - paint the town red

I base coated everything with black, then did a zenithal highlight from above with pure white (I think at least). I do not have any pictures of this so you just have to trust me.

After that I sprayed all miniatures (skeletons, horses and vampire lord) with a layer of bright red. Note here that there is some black and metal already painted on the horsie. I did this using a spray brush (mine is bad, and is really difficult to use - thinking of getting a new one), by first aplpying a slightly darker red from under, the applying the full red colour from above. Here is the result on the vampire lord and one horse.

plain vampire horse
shiny vampire horse

Getting in the metal

Now we got the red base coat down it is time to add some metal. This was just adding some basic metal paint on the areas. Here is a skelly boy with this

plain vampire horse
plain vampire horse

Neat! This is starting to take form.

Getting to the bone

Following up on the skeletons, I decided to paint the bones in a dark bone colour, apply a wash all over the model, then working up the highlights. This will add a nice rusty effect for the metal.

skeleton trio
skeleton trio
skeleton trio
skeleton with shield
skeleton with shield

Notice on the last skeleton the slight fabric texture on the cape. I think it looks good, but it could use more definition.

That’s it for now

That is it for this post. I am excited to start sharing more stuff here about my painting and building. I got some interesting projects I want to do, and this really drives up my motivation.

Next week will I show some progress on the horses, and hopefully we have some nice and shiny armor. And maybe I will show a full picture on all 20 of the skeletons.

Note to self; bring down the temperature on the images next time, looks like they are in a forest fire taking a photo shoot.